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Book an Appointment

Call 780-570-1144
or Book Online

Prior to booking online please read the following:

  • Please look over the services that the therapist provides to ensure they work with the presenting issue.

  • If you are interested in a Video or telephone session please call ahead to inform us: 780-570-1144 

  • Children and Adolescent Cases are accepted; however, parents are expected to attend the first online session to provide their consent.  In divorce cases, both parents are required to provide consent unless otherwise specified by a court order.  If counselling is specified in a divorce case by court order, the court order is to be presented prior to services commencing.  At this time, this clinic does not accept high conflict divorce cases.  

  • Adult and couples cases are accepted by certain therapists.  Please note that the actual client is required to make their own appointments.

  • We are not a crisis service, should an emergency arise please proceed to your nearest ER department or call 780-482-4357.

  • If you are a new client, prior to your first appointment will get a phone call from our Admin confirming the online booking.

*Please call for information on Amanda's current availability*
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